At Millgrove Bible Church we have ministries for all ages—adults, teens, and children. We would love for you to join us! For more information about any of the ministries below, please contact us or check out our Events Calendar.

Whether you are new in your faith or looking for opportunities to go deeper, our adult ministries are a great place to start: new members classes, adult bible classes, music ministry, ladies’ ministry, prayer meetings, or library.
Our children’s ministries include nursery and Sunday School each Sunday morning, the Mommy & Me program for moms & preschoolers on the first Monday of the month, and Vacation Bible School each summer.

Wayfinders Youth Group
The Wayfinders Youth Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday nights of the month at 7pm.
Care & Outreach
Come join us on the 3rd Saturday of each month as we care for our community through our Food Pantry & Clothes Closet ministry.